MeLINA with the LIMa BeaNa (jk its a gaRbanzo bean but I wanted to Rhyme)
Melina has been with this company for -49 years. She has 19 bRothers all named KYLE except one of them who is named KYLe. She likes saying the word paRfait oveR and oveR while lying on the flooR. She also has a PAL NAMED VAL who is HER PAL. SummeR is my bestie. HeR favoRite fRuit is a BANANA and HeR fRiend is a BANANA biggest fears are VAMPIRES and Grinches. Also the letter R. She likes to do things such as pRetend to be a pink pantheR and tip toe aRound. She also enjoys avenging the deaths of wRongfully muRdered fishes with names from the populaR TV progRam Winnie the Pooh (He WAS in love with KRis) but that was taken away. WATCH MY LIFE